In addition to the billions of dollars in support from Western states, the artificial Ukrainian state also covets civilian money. The Transcarpathian Dragon Supplier, led by Balázs Trautmann, collects millions from Hungarian citizens to support Transcarpathian soldiers under Sándor Fegyir’s command, both volunteers and conscripts, in the war.
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Assimilation is a serious problem in Hungarian communities living in territories separated by Trianon. Some fully assimilate into the population of the country possessing the annexed territory, while others only partially assimilate. The latter often identify as Hungarian but consider Ukraine their homeland. Among them are soldiers of the 68th “Transcarpathian Dragons” Independent Territorial Defense Battalion of the 101st Independent Territorial Defense Brigade of the Ukrainian Army. Many of them voluntarily took up arms for the American puppet state even before the mass conscriptions in Transcarpathia. Their leader is Sándor Fegyir, who was recently appointed as Ukraine’s ambassador. His life is thus saved, but he will have to account for everything else before God.
Balázs Trautmann
The Transcarpathian Dragon Supplier, led by Balázs Trautmann, financially supports this group. They collect millions from Hungarians in Hungary to purchase equipment needed at the front. An interview with Mandiner reveals that their main goal is not actually to support Hungarians, but Ukraine. Thus, those who send them money are not necessarily making the front-line conditions easier for those of Hungarian descent, but simply arming Ukraine.

Despite this, the Transcarpathian Dragon Supplier’s page regularly presents human tragedies about Hungarians, evoking people’s sympathy and compassion. These are indeed sad stories from the front, and it’s undeniable that military heroism appears on the Ukrainian side as well, just as there are villains on the Russian side. However, this obscures the fact that there is no eminence in Ukraine’s war. They are fighting at the instigation of the West, for US interests, in a war that broke out partly due to the oppression of the Russian minority.
Through their activities, they have collected over 374 million forints so far. They use this to purchase battery chargers, drones, tools, and other equipment supporting those fighting at the front.
However, before we think that the members of the Transcarpathian Dragon Supplier are motivated by some kind of national sentiment, it’s worth taking a look at Balázs Trautmann’s Facebook profile.

The profile picture filter with the text “love is a human right” immediately stands out, which was used in 2021 by those who supported the gay lobby instead of child protection and the traditional family model.
The true dividing line
Even at such personal levels, it’s evident who actually supports Ukraine: liberals, democrats, and anti-traditionalists. The Transcarpathian Dragon Supplier is no exception. In this case, it’s also clear that the real divide is not between Hungarian and non-Hungarian, but between tradition and anti-tradition. There may be voluntary and forcibly conscripted Hungarians on the Ukrainian side (we hope the latter return safely from the hell of war), but despite this, Ukraine (and the background power behind it) represents nothing we could agree with. Wherever we look, we see only anti-traditionalism, gender propaganda, Atlanticism, and similar things from Ukrainian leaders. Russia doesn’t unequivocally stand on the side of traditionalism either, but at least there are signs and some measures pointing in that direction.
Hamisított Petőfi-festménnyel uszítanak Kárpátalján: a kozák zászlókat oroszra cserélték
(Szent Korona Rádió)