kedd, március 25, 2025
13 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

Prosecutor asks for two years suspended jail for protesting against LGBTQP sensitization

While the Hungarian parliament was noisy about the passing of the law which is banning Pride, just a few streets away the prosecutor’s office was asking for 4 years suspended prison sentences and probation for those who had already spoken out against teacher sensitisations before Fidesz had even addressed the issue.

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Charges have been brought against three patriots for disrupting an LGBTQP event in 2019. Gábor Barcsa-Turner (HVIM i.e. Sixtyfour Counties Youth Movement), György Budaházy, and Pál Walter had to stand trial because they opposed the deviant lobby’s teacher sensitization efforts at a time when there was no child protection law, and gender ideology could be freely introduced into schools.

Magyar Jelen (popular Hungarian right-wing media) was present at the preliminary hearing, which was described as follows: “We attended a court preparatory session where one might have expected the case to be closed within minutes due to a lack of criminal offense. Instead, it seems that those who want to defend their truth against the utterly unfounded charges will have to fight a long battle.”

The prosecution has requested two years in prison – albeit “graciously” suspended for four years – and four years of probation supervision for the three men who appeared before the court today at the Budapest Central District Court on Markó Street. The charges against the first defendant, György Budaházy, the second defendant, Gábor Barcsa-Turner, and the third defendant, Pál Walter, involve offense of violence against a member of a community, committed in a group.

The event took place six years ago, but it appears that in some cases, Hungarian law enforcement and the judiciary spare neither time nor effort to impose severe punishment on those who – despite expressing their dissent in a completely normal and peaceful manner – oppose the harmful activities of the LGBTQP lobby.

At the end of the preparatory session, the defense attorney, Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy, executive director of the National Legal Defense Service (NJSZ), gave a statement to Magyar Jelen.

“From the very beginning, I have been certain that these charges – and, of course, the indictment – are unfounded. The accused have never admitted that their actions constituted a crime, and we summarized this position in our motion for dismissal during the investigative phase. That is why I proposed today – unfortunately without success – that the prosecution drop the charges, or that the court terminate the proceedings due to the lack of a criminal offense, as the indictment is baseless. This case lacks the so-called factual basis, as well as any social harm.

In other words, there is nothing blatantly anti-social about someone wanting to attend a publicly advertised event supporting school LGBTQP propaganda and expressing their opinion in defense of children. But things never even reached that point, as the organizers prevented them from entering the event in the first place.

The defendants’ actions amounted to nothing more than stating their desire to attend the event. Since the organizers denied their entry, the ensuing discussion – which never exceeded the bounds of a normal debate – took place not inside the LGBTQP lobby organization’s venue, but in a stairwell and a residential courtyard. The defendants did not launch any arbitrary, exclusionary, or intimidating attack – either verbal or violent – against the event organizers. Instead, they were motivated by the peaceful and constitutionally protected expression of their views in defense of fundamental values. The organizers arbitrarily and discriminatorily obstructed their participation by denying their entry.

It is worth noting that the defendants engaged in a pioneering, socially protective activity six years ago. They stood up for a social cause – the protection of children in schools from LGBTQP propaganda – which is now safeguarded by the Fundamental Law and other legislation.”

In my opinion, the outcome of this proceeding should be favorably influenced by the amendments to the child protection law, the recent and commendable modification of the assembly law that bans the Pride event, and, beyond that, the defense must continue to emphasize that this entire case is completely baseless. Notably, the police previously terminated the proceedings, and later, the district prosecutor’s office also dismissed the complaint filed by the alleged victims. However, the Háttér Society (an LGBTQP lobby organisation that has a very dangerous influence on Hungarian administration, their name means Background Society) ultimately managed to push the case forward, which is why we were in court today.

At today’s preparatory hearing – where the charges were presented and the defendants pleaded not guilty while waiving their right to a full trial – the judge scheduled the first trial date for June 12. I believe there will be at least 5–6 trial sessions, involving the questioning of defendants and various witnesses, as well as the review of footage. Interestingly, the prosecution’s witnesses are mainly residents of the building where the incident took place, and they all stated that they did not perceive anything unusual – let alone anything that would have caused panic.

Given the changes in legislation and the government’s stance on LGBTQP-related issues, I do not rule out the possibility that this case – like other ongoing cases defending normality – could simply be dismissed under a general amnesty law. However, if that does not happen, then acquittal is the only lawful verdict.

Gábor Barcsa-Turner, the second defendant in the case, does not really understand how a fundamentally simple debate could have been turned into a legal proceeding that now threatens him with years in prison:

“Although six years have passed, I remember this event clearly. The conversation between us and the representatives of Háttér Society took place in a friendly atmosphere – so much so that even the police, who were called to the scene and present at the time, saw no reason to take any action against us. It is evident that no violence occurred – not even verbal threats – so classifying this case as ‘violence against a community committed in a group’ is completely absurd. I am outraged that this case even reached the stage of indictment and that I have to come to court for it. But I feel that this is not my shame – it is the shame of the Hungarian justice system.

Looking back, at no point during that conversation did we have any indication that it could turn into a court case years later. This is especially true given that the police were there with us, and if anything illegal had occurred, they would have been obliged to point it out. We rang the doorbell, knocked on the event’s door, and when we were denied entry, we engaged in a conversation with the organizers. In fact – horribile dictu – I even moved a flower pot. Yet, these actions have now been exaggerated into charges of group violence against a community. It’s unbelievable.

The charge also claims that we caused panic. However, I believe that far more people are disturbed by the behavior at the Budapest Pride parade or the advertisements our children are forced to watch on commercial TV before Christmas – ads that attempt to redefine the concept of family according to their agenda.

This event six years ago was about how ‘sensitization’ could be introduced into schools – how teachers and students could be trained to bring gender ideology into the education system. We attended the event to listen to this, and, if necessary, to express that we advocate zero tolerance for sensitization efforts targeting families, children, and schools – zero tolerance for the LGBTQP lobby’s goals in this regard. It was a publicly advertised, open event, with no indication that certain individuals were unwelcome. Thus, we had every right to be there. I never would have thought that, just because of this discussion – which did not even take place inside the event itself (since we were denied entry) but in the courtyard – six years later, I would find myself sitting in the defendant’s chair.

I feel that the LGBTQP lobby wants to set a precedent with our case – to make sure that no one dares to speak out or express dissent against them. They drag these cases out for years to drain our energy, to keep key figures on the national side tied up in legal proceedings, preventing them from expressing themselves as often or as freely as they would like. This fits into the broader pattern of suppression, as the prosecutor even stated that they want to ban us from attending similar events in the future – in other words, they want to take us off the chessboard.

Moreover, they want to place us under probationary supervision for four years, which would severely restrict our freedom of speech and expression, preventing us from standing up for normality. The very people who claim to be the champions of tolerance and understanding, who insist that everyone should have the right to express their views, are the same ones who are now trying to silence opposing voices in the harshest way possible. But I promise – this will not succeed in our case.”

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(  Szent Korona Rádió)


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Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55