csütörtök, február 6, 2025
5.9 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

Pride organiser fired from public school in Hungary

Mariann Filó, one of the main organizers of Pride Budapest and LGBTQP lobbyist, was fired as a school psychologist for underage schoolchildren at a school in Újpest, Hungary, thanks to protests by the “Youth Movement of 64 Counties” (HVIM) – as we reported. A translation by Unser Mitteleuropa.

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According to HVIM, it is unacceptable that foreign-funded LGBTQP agents to work with children in Hungarian public education and to indoctrinate or corrupt Hungarian children.

The incident was reported in a report to the school authorities and the relevant department of the Ministry of the Interior.

According to informations, the Pride organiser no longer works at the school. According to the headmaster, this was “her decision alone”. However, according to the school district, Filo would have served a notice period in the summer of 2024 – indicating that her employment was probably terminated by higher authority. According to one parent, she was fired in the spring as a result of the scandal.

LGBTQP propaganda infiltrated to Hungarian schools

The LGBTQP lobbyist also had confidential contact with underage pupils behind closed doors. This meant that Filo was also able to confuse the children’s sexual awareness and cause them lasting psychological damage.

In addition to her gender dysphoria, the psychologist also had problems with anger management. This was also the case with the school porter, who reacted aggressively to HVIM’s activists when they met on a public beach during the movement’s summer child camp.

HVIM activists expressed concern about whether this case would have ended like this without their protest. Also because Filo is still listed as a school psychologist on the school’s website.

” HVIM really protects children. We oppose the LGBTQP lobby not only verbally, but also actively. This is how we can fight them successfully: We do not sit back in an armchair (…), but act when the situation requires it. This result is also thanks to this attitude. “

– the courageous statement from the anti-LGBTQP organizers. And further:

“We will continue to act as we have done so far. We will no longer allow people with sexual disorders or LGBTQP lobbyists to work in a job that involves dealing with children.

Educational assistants, kindergarten teachers, teachers, school psychologists, etc. Hands off our children! “

(Translated by Unser Mitteleuropa) 


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Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55