kedd, február 18, 2025
-2.4 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

Following complaint by LGBTQP organisation, Hungarian court rules in favour of homosexual teacher

Szentendre District Court convicted a woman of violence against a member of a community for defaming a homosexual teacher who teaches in a primary school.

The background of the case is that a disagreement arose between an LGBTQP teacher who teaches 6-7-year-old children and a school cleaning woman. According to others, the cleaning woman, disturbed by the teacher’s homosexuality, regularly refused to clean the teacher’s classroom. When the cleaning woman was instructed to clean the room, she refused to do the work and left. Later that same day, the cleaning woman returned with her mother, who, in front of the school’s students and staff, loudly hurled insults related to the teacher’s homosexuality. In addition to a range of derogatory remarks about sexual orientation (“rat, fag, queer”), she also stated that they know who the teacher lives with and that they would not allow their children to be taught by them. She further threatened to have the teacher beaten up and said she would take action with the mayor to have him fired.

The police who arrived at the scene did not handle the case according to the expectations of the gay lobby. The proceedings were initiated for defamation rather than for a hate crime as desired by lobby organizations, and the case was later dismissed.

The flagship organization of the domestic deviant lobby, which poses a national security risk, the “Háttér Társaság”s legal aid service, sprang into action. Háttér Társaság (in English they call themselves „Háttér Society”) is Hungary’s largest and oldest currently operating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQP) lobbying organization. They consistently advocate for the surplus rights of deviant LGBTQP people. As a result of their involvement as a victim’s representative, a new procedure was ultimately initiated for violence against a member of a community, which is classified as a hate crime, by the severity of the act.

During the criminal proceedings, the perpetrator requested the suspension of the case for mediation. In such a mediation process, with the assistance of a specially trained, impartial, and neutral professional, there is an opportunity for those involved to explore the circumstances of the conflict, the reasons leading to it, and possible ways to repair the harm caused, potentially resulting in a peaceful solution beneficial to both parties.

However, the prosecutor’s office held the view that this was not possible in this case, given the circumstances of the commission. The prosecution also attached significance to the fact that the act was committed in an elementary school and that the perpetrator did not care about the presence of minor children and teachers in the vicinity. It is important to mention here that the hungarian child protection law includes, among other provisions, that it is prohibited to present content to persons under 18 years of age that “depicts pornography, gratuitous sexuality, or promotes or portrays deviation from self-identity corresponding to sex at birth, change of sex, or homosexuality”.

As a conclusion to the case, the Szentendre District Court issued a criminal order imposing a fine of 375,000 Hungarian forints for violence against a member of a community. The court emphasized that the perpetrator’s provocatively anti-social behavior was capable of causing alarm in the victim and for those who were present, and since it was motivated by prejudice, it fulfills the elements of a hate crime.

How much influence does Háttér Society have on the domestic justice system? The victim’s communication reveals:

“The verdict can be considered a success, but I owe this only to the lawyers of Háttér Society. I wouldn’t have achieved anything alone. This is not because of the laws, but because of the people working in official bodies. It’s their attitude and hidden homophobia that often leaves victims alone. As for the punishment, it may at most deter potential perpetrators, but it doesn’t change the mindset and doesn’t promote peaceful coexistence and acceptance. I would have preferred an apology or ordered volunteer work at an LGBTQP civil organization (the deviants are already dreaming of LGBTQP forced labor – ed.). This would better serve the community’s development. We live together. How? They avoid my gaze, others avoid the topic. Hatred lurks. I think we should talk about it…” said the victim of the incident.

Háttér Society is also rejoicing, as their legal interpretation has once again prevailed:

“This case is a good example of how a criminal proceeding can go wrong from the very beginning: if the victim allows themselves to be discouraged from filing a complaint, or accepts the termination of the proceedings, then no condemning decision will ever be made in the case, and the court will not declare that a hate crime indeed occurred, thus vindicating the victim. It is unfortunate that this only happened after the intervention of the victim’s representative. We continue to encourage everyone who has experienced verbal or physical abuse due to their sexual orientation or gender identity not to let it go, to file a complaint, and also to turn to a civil organization. This is the only way to combat hate crimes effectively,” commented Eszter Polgári, head of the Legal Program at Háttér Society, on the proceedings.

In addition to the outcome of the case, let’s not forget that we are once again talking about a teacher who, as a homosexual, works with children, and does not hesitate to call upon the most depraved lobby organizations for help…


(After Humen, Szent Korona Rádió) 


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Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55