kedd, február 18, 2025
-2.4 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

Toroczkai in his annual State of the Nation speech spoke about the protection of traditions, Transcarpathia and the future of Hungary (2024)

The leader of the Our Homeland Movement held his annual State of the Nation address. The echoes of Laszlo Toroczkai’s powerful speech on Transcarpathia (now part of Ukraine, historically part of Hungary) are currently filling the media space, but there were other, more important statements from Toroczkai for those who believe in traditional truths.

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In the scenario of the dissolution of Ukraine, they would be the only ones in the Hungarian parliament who would have a claim on Transcarpathia. He immediately shot this strong message into international (Russian and Ukrainian) headlines, and the Hungarian media also highlighted it.

With his usual insight, Toroczkai analysed the left-liberal parties’ traitorous mission imposed by the globalist elite. Of course, he also criticized Fidesz’s double-dealing politics: Hungary’s foreign policy is a failure and isolates Hungary because diplomacy that is not honest with anyone is discredited. The countries to the East, which Fidesz proclaims as allies, will not tolerate doublespeak and unconditional support for Israel.

On the domestic front, the leader of the party lacked the support of Hungarian farmers. He cited the forced electric car battery manufacturing constructions on farmlands and the “industrialising” economic policy as mistakes, instead of a more diversified economy. He also mentioned depopulation and the influx of gypsies from neighbouring countries as a pressing problem for Hungarians.


Joining the Turkic Council and forging an alliance with Turkey is a good direction, but in fact it is not credible and is contradicted by the government’s other commitments – said in his speech, which focused on geopolitics and foreign affairs, which is understandable as EP elections are approaching.

Toroczkai said that it is not possible to plan a domestic policy without a strong and decisive foreign policy, because the world is globalised, and our enemies also think globally and are international. The main task is to find allies who can be partners against global, anti-national forces. He cited Qatar, the Gulf countries, and the BRICS as examples, as well as European allies, many of whose representatives were present and spoke at the beginning of the event.

Toroczkai called the government to account for using the foreign ministry only for business and to store “political corpses”. More than once he meets failed politicians and cronies of leaders in foreign missions and foreign affairs institutions – he said, highlighting the intolerable state of Hungarian diplomacy.

However, for those who are sensitive to traditional truths, we would like to highlight a few thoughts. Toroczkai asked the question whether the future leader of the Netherlands, Geert Wilders,

“wants to be Prime Minister of Israel or the Netherlands? What is the point of provoking Islam, why burn the Quran?”

– Toroczkai said, which he insightfully continued with the main slogans of “stop migration, zero immigration” and the need to “strengthen our own tradition”.


“If I go there, I will follow their customs, but if they come here, they have to follow our customs,”

Toroczkai outlined the solution. Respecting each other’s culture is the key. One symbolic expression of the latter idea was the fact that each foreign guest gave a speech in his or her mother tongue, and that one of Tchaikovsky’s works was played, as a rebuke to the anti-Russian sentiment on the international stage.

Toroczkai explained that the strengthening of the Northern Civilization is the most important, which, in his opinion, overrides the West-Eastern determination, as Russia has also expanded eastwards. In his view, there is no need for a supranational, colonialist European Union, but there is a need for a European Alliance. All initiatives for a world government must be rejected!

By expressing traditionalist ideas, outlining a clear foreign policy agenda, and calling for respect for peoples and cultures, Toroczkai struck a unique and positive tone. Uniquely in the middle of Europe, the Our Homeland Movement has become a patriotic political force that is not pro-Israel, not Islamophobic, not anti-religious, but which strives for balanced diplomacy and is based on genuine traditions. The emerging international network of relations shows not only a political party, but also a political force that wants to create a traditional world order, which clearly goes beyond Hungary’s borders and is a clear alternative to the turncoat Fidesz and the globalist left-liberal parties’ “United States of Europe” plan. Toroczkai’s speech demonstrated that they have a concept and a consistent, clear vision.

(Szent Korona Rádió)


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Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55