szerda, március 26, 2025
13 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

„Your real goal is population replacement!” – Said László Toroczkai in Strasbourg

László Toroczkai, the president of Mi Hazánk, reported once again from Strasbourg in one of his videos. This time, members of the Council of Europe discussed the topics of immigration and depopulation.

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One might think that discussions about Europe’s most crucial issues should be held by Europeans themselves—after all, who could better represent their interests than them?

Well, that would be a naive assumption because, in the latest case of the Council of Europe, this is not how things work at all:

Among others, immigrant-background “British,” Turkish, and Canadian speakers were given the platform to voice their opinions on Europe’s demographic situation.

Europeans have become as rare in such institutions as hen’s teeth.

The solution: migration

Kate Osamor, who was the keynote speaker on the topic, began the debate with an awareness-raising attempt focused on the elderly, claiming that thanks to their migrant caregivers, they could feel human again.

The globalist politician made it clear: migration is the solution to an aging population.

She believes that it is time for every country to create a new social contract to facilitate the integration of migrants.

Mehmet Akalin from Turkey reinforced his “British” colleague’s thoughts, adding that immigrants can enrich the culture of host countries in a wonderful way.

He also emphasized that countries must take an equal share in accepting migrants.

The Canadian speaker, Francesco Sorbara, himself the child of migrants, presented his country as a model for all, arguing that a multicultural utopia is the perfect vision for the future.

A change in mindset instead of immigration

László Toroczkai, right at the beginning of his speech, stated that the very same people now proposing immigration as a solution to demographic problems are the ones who caused those problems in the first place—namely, progressive, left-wing, liberal, socialist, or globalist politicians who have been trying to suppress traditional values for decades.

He believes that social media also serves these political forces, as conservative, Christian, and faith-based opinions are suppressed on these platforms. Furthermore, they attempt to defy the laws of nature by pushing same-sex marriage.

“Only the union of a man and a woman can produce a child,” the leader of Mi Hazánk asserts.

Contrary to the previous speakers, he approaches the issue of demographics from a different perspective:

  • Families and childbearing must receive significant support.
  • A shift in mindset is necessary; traditional values must be reinstated.

He highlights the fact that the only European-rooted state where enough children are being born today is South Dakota. Their secret, he says, lies in a life close to nature and engagement in agriculture, which allows them to maintain a healthy diet.

In contrast, multinational corporations supported by the World Economic Forum are increasingly causing infertility in Europe with their unhealthy products.

Finally, he firmly states that Europe belongs to Europeans and that they will never accept the fact that the world’s leaders are deliberately carrying out a population replacement.

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Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55