hétfő, március 31, 2025
13 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

LMBTQP rights abuse – How deviants get children in Hungary

Government propaganda tells us that under no circumstances should deviants have access to children in Hungary. Well, it seems that the forgery of private documents mentioned in the Háttér Társaság’s training for lawyers may be a common practice to circumvent the law after all? But there are even more interesting things…

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The foreign-funded LGBTQP agent organisation Háttér Társaság’s “Know Your Rights“, a national security risk, looked at the childbearing sections of its publication to see what loopholes they have found to allow deviants to have children. We found a number of dubious solutions.

DIY artificial insemination

The propaganda publication is the first to discuss artificial insemination. Under current national law, it is only available to married couples, heterosexual partners or single women who are infertile or about to become infertile due to their age.

    “Lesbians in cohabiting or registered partnerships and women who are able to conceive naturally are not.”

So what loophole have they found? Because, as they admit, “Despite this, a number of lesbian couples have had children through artificial insemination in recent years.”

How? By bending the rules, of course. Of course, they are also careful not to be suspected of encouraging the offences, as they add: “Concealing a civil partnership or registered partnership is, however, considered as the use of a false private document or, in certain cases, as forgery of a public document.” But it is clear, of course, that deviants have repeatedly resorted to this method.

Once again, a legal gap is proving to be a loophole in this issue, as deviants who were allowed to change their sex in official documents (i.e. who are listed as women but as men) before the changes in the law can now participate in artificial insemination with their female partners.

However, if the previous two cases do not work, then the “do it yourself” method is used, which is also against the law, as the Háttér Társaság puts it: “As the artificial insemination is a very simple procedure for healthy women, it can be performed at home using a syringe. However, those who carry out such interventions at home commit the crime of illicit use of the human body, the sperm donor does not commit a crime.” It is a serious crime of inhumanity to inseminate oneself on one’s sofa using a syringe.

Surrogacy – in the backstage, of course

Hungarian law prohibits the surrogacy programme, namely the provision of financial compensation for carrying a child to term and giving birth to the “ordering” couple. It is well known that this is the preferred method of childbearing for homosexual men in liberal countries.

But, here again, there is the legal gap that “nothing precludes a gay man or man and woman from agreeing that one of their children will be carried by the woman, and therefore giving money is prohibited, it is a criminal offence.”

So if they can find someone to agree to carry the deviant’s child, then it is perfectly legal. And after childbirth, the mother gives up the child to the named homosexual for the benefit of the father. And, of course, no one should think that no money is paid into their pockets…


As the deviant lobbying organisation writes: “The Hungarian legislation in force recognises two forms of adoption: sole adoption and common adoption. From 1 March 2021, the Civil Code states that only spouses may adopt a child. This may be derogated from only (…) in cases of special consideration.”

In cases requiring special consideration, a ministerial countersignature is also required for the adoption to take place.

Sole adoption was invented by the government to screen out homosexuals. However, the example of last year shows that homosexuals can still adopt children by forging the public documents mentioned in the first point and by deceiving the authorities. They were caught once last year, but who knows how many times not?

Protection of children must be strengthened

The legislative tightening that has been done so far has been important, but the protection of children from deviant behaviour remains weak.

As we have seen, there are many loopholes for deviant children. These need to be locked down with heavy padlocks, as the LGBTQP lobby will do anything to get close to the youngest.

Prosecutor asks for two years suspended jail for protesting against LGBTQP sensitization

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Kapcsolódó cikkek

Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55