We reported that the government is financing the Háttér Society with public funds. Előd Novák (Mi Hazánk party) criticized the government for this, first verbally, and then after not being allowed to finish probing into background questions (it turned into a memorable speech, see below), he also submitted a written question. Fidesz hypocritically talks about Advent, then rudely mocks the person pointing out the problem.
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The National Cooperation Fund among the financiers of the Háttér Society
In December, we noticed that the National Cooperation Fund (NEA) was listed among the supporters on the Háttér Society’s website.
The operation of organizations like the Háttér Society fundamentally poses a national security risk, as they spread the LGBTQP lobby in our country using foreign funding and following foreign instructions, trying to drag society deeper.
It is completely unacceptable for a government calling itself right-wing to provide any support to such a lobby organization. Yet, the Háttér Society was indeed financed by the NEA. The 2019 support, for example, is available from the Háttér Society’s annual report:
Data on another winning application is also available on the NEA website. Both of their listed winning grants were won under the title “Support services for LGBTQ people: support for the annual operation of the Háttér Society”.
Előd Novák brought the scandal before parliament
In December, Előd Novák questioned Fidesz in parliament during a pre-agenda speech (speech on video) with sharp wit and good humor about how it is possible that the government supports an LGBTQ lobby organization and Freemason lodges with public funds.
The Sunflower Lodge (Napraforgó Páholy) also receives money from the National Cooperation Fund to finance its opaque, secret operations. The logo of the National Cooperation Fund appeared in the supporters section at the bottom of the main page of napraforgopaholy.hu. (…) However, the extreme liberal Háttér Society also lists the National Cooperation Fund, which operates under government control, as a supporter (…) How can such an organization receive state support? Is this Fidesz’s old-new direction?! Was József Szájer’s self-pitying return the beginning of this era? After the infamous return, or backward sliding, one can no longer be surprised that the government sees no problem in supporting the Háttér Society, which deceives state authorities.
Miklós Soltész, State Secretary for Church Relations, felt competent to answer then. But instead of a real answer, he only objected to why such questions need to be addressed during Advent. He also promised to look into the matter.
It’s a circus, if someone elaborates on supporting the LGBTQ lobby
Fidesz “looked into” the public funding of the Háttér Society and the Freemasons, and sent their response. The task of answering the scandalous case fell to Dr. Miklós Panyi, Parliamentary and Strategic State Secretary, Deputy Minister. The same Miklós Panyi who obtained a master’s degree in international relations from the Central European University (CEU) in 2015. Notably, CEU was rightfully declared Soros’s propaganda university, but still managed to reach an agreement with Fidesz…
We didn’t think it was possible to give a more insolent answer than Soltész’s rude Advent response, but they managed. In his response, Panyi first addresses the Sunflower Lodge, about which he writes that since it is not a civil organization, it could not have received NEA support. So we ask, why is NEA listed among their supporters?
However, regarding the other Masonic lodge, he gave an even more outrageous answer:
“The B’nai B’rith Budapest Lodge is an association registered in the authentic registry of the National Office for the Judiciary. As such, it is entitled to submit grants to the NEA along with tens of thousands of other organizations, which applications are decided by 9-member colleges independent of the Government.” So in our country, Freemasonry can easily maintain itself with public funds: and as we know, any grant can only be won with serious connections in the NER system.
And what about the Háttér Society, which constantly seeks to circumvent Hungarian laws and deceives authorities? According to Panyi, the lobby organization has not received any support since 2020, but before that it did, as a registered organization can receive normative support (in conditional mode, as this is also a political decision). And does Fidesz have a problem with this? Not at all. In fact, probably the most nonchalant government response of 2025 has arrived:
“Although Your imagination, as clearly reflected in your written questions, is boundless, I trust that even You will realize that a few hundred thousand forints can make little progress on the rocky road to achieving world domination, overthrowing the state, or achieving goals aimed at radically transforming society, which you repeatedly elaborate on.
If you disagree, I consider it an argument belonging more to the world of circus than politics.”
Once again, the true face of Fidesz’s freedom fight is revealed. On billboards and in slogans, they defend normality and the homeland, but when someone points out a real danger, real problems, and even demonstrates the difference between propaganda and reality – as Előd Novák did – they simply label them a clown and intend to ridicule them, while not providing answers to the specifics.
A Háttér Társaság buzeráns többletjog érvényesítő hadsereget állít?
(Szent Korona Rádió)