péntek, február 28, 2025
10.6 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

Why is HVIM posing with a Russian flag?

This year’s Day of Honour was again highly echoed. The group photo of HVIM and the Farkasok was not only circulated in the Hungarian press, but also in the world press. In many places it was reported that the movement posed with a Russian flag. What is this Russian flag?

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The Becsület Napja (Day of Honor) always receives significant emphasis in both domestic and international media. The left-liberals do everything they can to cry out “Nazism” and frighten the average person with a new “era of peril.” As a result, they highlight every single element during this time. Our movement and the associated Farkasok Bajtársi Közösség (Wolves Brotherhood Community) participated in large numbers in the Kitörés 60 (Breakout 60) hike this year as well, paying homage to the noble deeds of our heroes. Consequently, our group photo attracted significant attention and made headlines both nationally and internationally.

On the front page of Népszava, and in many internet search results

This is how misinterpretations can claim that HVIM (and the Wolves) are posing with a Russian flag (in the pictures) in Buda Castle.

Since the Russians have been mentioned, before we respond to this, it is worth clarifying our stance on Russia.

We fully sympathize with Russia’s efforts toward traditionalism, as the strengthening of traditional values protects the Russian people, family, and religion, while relentlessly opposing the destructive attacks of the LGBTQP lobby. They have suppressed its expansion at the very root. We are talking about a country where Orthodox tradition thrives while satanism is banned.

Russia’s imperial nature is also particularly commendable and forward-looking, as it has adopted the aspects of traditional empires. Through its exemplary approach, it has united various peoples and religions while granting them autonomy and a quasi-statehood.

We are, of course, watching with great concern the infiltration of Satan’s smoke among post-Soviet phenomena. Efforts to relativize the crimes of communism are completely unacceptable, but we look at the potential of the aforementioned, which, let’s admit, is most strongly realized in Russia among the great powers.

HVIM also appeared at Chinese platforms

We observe the official Russian foreign policy regarding Hungary with deep concern, as it has completely lost its way, maintaining untenable connections with Hungarian communists and commemorating with them, as they did most recently. This kind of approach, which may be nurturing the past but is not forward-looking, is one of the biggest obstacles to discussing how we can fully support Russia.

There is hope, however, even in this system that relativizes and often positively portrays the Soviet regime, namely the Tsargrad movement with its massive monarchist membership, which, like us, would steer events in the direction of tradition.

And now let’s look at the flag we hold. Despite the stereotypical approaches, we are not talking about a Russian flag, and it is not about “Russian mimicry,” but rather a symbol whose use by the Russians is indeed commendable and serves as one of the heralds of the traditional directions outlined above. This flag can and must be a universal symbol for all Christian nations in Europe.

The flag depicts the Icon Not Made by Hands, the Holy Face, which portrays the face of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to tradition, Christ touched His wet face to a cloth, causing His image to appear on the fabric, and sent it as a healing remedy to the King of Edessa. This holy image protected its possessors in numerous battles and perils. Thus, it also became a military emblem, especially in Orthodox territories, and appeared on war flags as a cooperation between Byzantine and Russian iconography.

On the flag with a red background, the Slavic letters IC XC NIKA are also present, which serve as an abbreviation for the phrase “Jesus Christ conquers!” proclaiming the victory of light over satanic forces.

Amid the increasingly powerful assaults of the soulless heirs of the Soviet specter, when the world is set ablaze, if not yet with weapons, but on an ideological-spiritual level, we must show “he who is a scandal to the world,” and proclaim that Christ will ultimately triumph over evil!

(Szent Korona Rádió)

The mission of HVIM – The truth above the mainstream lies


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Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55