szombat, február 1, 2025
5.5 C
Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55

Foreign funded LGBTQP organisation posing a risk on Hungarian national security

Háttér Társaság an LGBTQP lobby organisation has a very dangerous influence on Hungarian administration of justice according to news and personal experience of HVIM’s leader. They call themselves Háttér Society in English, but their name is translated as Background Society.

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Back in April 2023 they held a free two-day long training for lawyers to help them „deal with specific cases involving LGBTQI clients.” Right in front of our eyes, the groundwork is openly being laid for conceptual lawsuits against defenders of normality.

The training first introduced Háttér Society to the participants and then clarified the concept of LGBTQP and provide detailed information on stereotypes associated with it and the prejudicial mechanisms that lead to discrimination. Protected characteristics, rules of evidence, public interest litigation and rules of representation were an important part of the second day of training, which had also been examined in the light of the Equal Treatment Act, they say. The programme outlines the procedures that can be used in cases of discrimination.

After one and a half year in 2024 further activities of Háttér Society were allowed by Hungarian Bar, as their trainings had been accredited. This way, the lobby organization’s propaganda training is recognized by one of the most important Hungarian institutions. This also raises concerns about the jeopardization of the independence of the judiciary, as an extremist propaganda organization can interfere with its operations to such an extent.

According to Háttér Society, the training aims to present the specific cases, circumstances, and detailed regulations that may arise during legal work with LGBTQP clients and to prepare lawyers for resolving legal disputes affecting LGBTQP individuals. In short, the training focuses on how to assist in enforcing the imagined extra rights of deviants.

Currently, the following training courses are available on Háttér Society’s e-learning platform for lawyers:

  • Victim rights, special treatment for victims, and victim representation.
  • On equal treatment and the promotion of equal opportunities.
  • European protection of LGBTQI rights.
  • Legal institutions of partnership for same-sex couples and family law issues.
  • Legal work with LGBTQI clients.

As we can see, most of the courses focus on how to prioritize the identity of LGBTQP individuals during case resolution, thereby enabling them to gain advantages and favorable judgments.

Meanwhile, propaganda machinery (on both the governmental and the liberal-opposition sides) loudly proclaims that normalcy is supported in our country and that LGBTQP is increasingly pushed into the background. Yet, we witness daily that lobby organizations are gaining ground more forcefully and expanding their influence in Hungarian public life and, as we see, even in the legal field.

(Szent Korona Rádió)


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Kalapács és az Akusztika - Fagyott világ
Marin Marais - Marche Tartare, IV.55